本帖最后由 youweregone 于 2012-1-18 15:50 编辑
英语语言文学真题回忆(综合英语,翻译与写作,二外法语) 题目回忆是考后就写下,今天才来编辑发帖。 综合英语:
1.单项选择题,关于语法,词组搭配之类的,没有考人文知识。30道题30分。 难度中等或中下 2.阅读理解 四篇,每篇5道题 ,共40分。 文章和问题都不太难理解。难度中等或中下 其中一篇如下。相比之下,其他3篇文章没那么长,但问题和选项就较长一点。
He was an old man with a white beard and huge nose and hands. Longbefore the time during which we will know him, he was a doctor and drove ajaded white horse from house to house through the streets of Winesburg. Laterhe married a girl who had money. She had been left a large fertile farm whenher father died. The girl was quiet, tall, and dark, and to many people sheseemed very beautiful. Everyone in Winesburg wondered why she married thedoctor. Within a year after the marriage she died.
The knuckles of the doctor's hands were extraordinarily large.When the hands were closed they looked like clusters of unpainted wooden ballsas large as walnuts fastened together by steel rods.He smoked a cob pipe andafter his wife's death sat all day in his empty office close by a window thatwas covered with cobwebs. He never opened the window. Once on a hot day inAugust he tried but found it stuck fast and after that he forgot all about it.
Winesburg had forgotten the old man, but in Doctor Reefy therewere the seeds of something very fine. Alone in his musty office in the HeffnerBlock above the Paris Dry Goods Company's store, he worked ceaselessly,building up something that he himself destroyed. Little pyramids of truth heerected and after erecting knocked them down again that he might have thetruths to erect other pyramids.
Doctor Reefy was a tall man who had worn one suit of clothes forten years. It was frayed at the sleeves and little holes had appeared at theknees and elbows. In the office he wore also a linen duster with huge pocketsinto which he continually stuffed scraps of paper. After some weeks the scrapsof paper became little hard round balls, and when the pockets were filled hedumped themout upon the floor. For ten years he had but one friend, another oldman named John Spaniard who owned a tree nursery. Sometimes, in a playful mood,old Doctor Reefy took from his pockets a handful of the paper balls and threwthem at the nursery man. "'That is to confound you, you blithering oldsentimentalist," he cried, shaking with laughter.
The story of Doctor Reefy and his courtship of the tall dark girlwho became his wife and left her money to him is a very curious story. It isdelicious, like the twisted little apples that grow in the orchards ofWinesburg. In the fall one walks in the orchards and the ground is hard withfrostunder foot. The apples have been taken from the trees by the pickers. Theyhave been put inbarrels and shipped to the cities where they will be eaten inapartments that are filled with books, magazines, furniture, and people. On thetrees are only a few gnarled apples that the pickers haverejected. They looklike the knuckles of Doctor Reefy’ s hands. One nibbles at them and they aredelicious. Into a little round place at the side of the apple has been gatheredall of its sweetness.One runs from tree to tree over the frosted ground pickingthe gnarled, twisted apples and filling his pockets with them. Only the fewknow the sweetness of the twisted apples.
The girl and Doctor Reefy began their courtship on a summerafternoon. He was forty-fivethen and already he had begun the practice offilling his pockets with the scraps of paper thatbecame hard balls and werethrown away. The habit had been formed as he sat in his buggy behind the jadedgrey horse and went slowly along country roads. On the papers were writtenthoughts, ends of thoughts, beginnings of thoughts.
One by one the mind of Doctor Reefy had made the thoughts. Out ofmany of them heformed a truth that arose gigantic in his mind. The truthclouded the world. It became terrible and then faded away and the littlethoughts began again.
The tall dark girl came to see Doctor Reefy because she was in thefamily way and hadbecome frightened. She was in that condition because of aseries of circumstances also curious.
The death of her father and mother and the rich acres of land thathad come down to her had seta train of suitors on her heels. For two years shesaw suitors almost every evening. Except twothey were all alike. They talked toher of passion and there was a strained eager quality in their voicesand in their eyes when they looked at her. The two who were different were muchunlikeeach other. One of them, a slender young man with white hands, the son ofa jeweler in Winesburg, talked continually of virginity. When he was with herhe was never off the subject. Theother, a black-haired boy with large ears,said nothing at all but always managed to get her into the darkness, where hebegan to kiss her.
For a time the tall dark girl thought she would marry thejeweler's son. For hours she sat in silence listening as he talked to her andthen she began to be afraid of something. Beneath his talk of virginity shebegan to think there was a lust greater than in all the others. At times itseemed to her that as he talked he was holding her body in his hands. Sheimagined him turning it slowly about inthe white hands and staring at it. Atnight she dreamed that he had bitten into her body and that his jaws weredripping. She had the dream three times, then she became in the family way totheone who said nothing at all but who in the moment of his passion actuallydid bite her shoulder so that for days the marks of his teeth showed.
After the tall dark girl came to know Doctor Reefy it seemed toher that she never wanted to leavehim again. She went into his office onemorning and without her saying anything he seemed to know what had happened toher.
In the office of the doctor there was a woman, the wife of the manwho kept the bookstore in Winesburg. Like all old-fashioned countrypractitioners, Doctor Reefy pulled teeth, and the woman who waited held ahandkerchief to her teeth and groaned. Her husband was with her and when thetooth was taken out they both screamed and blood ran down on the woman's whitedress.The tall dark girl did not pay any attention. When the woman and the manhad gone the doctor smiled. "I will take you driving into the country withme," he said.
For several weeks the tall dark girl and the doctor were togetheralmost every day. The condition that had brought her to him passed in anillness, but she was like one who has discovered the sweetness of the twistedapples, she could not get her mind fixed again upon theround perfect fruit thatis eaten in the city apartments. In the fall after the beginning of heracquaintanceship with him she married Doctor Reefy and in the following springshe died. During the winter he read to her all of the odds and ends of thoughtshe had scribbled on the bits of paper. After he had read them he laughed andstuffed them away in his pockets to become round hard balls.
1.According to the story Doctor Reefy’s life seems very __________.
A. eccentric B. normal C. enjoyable D. optimistic 2.The story tells us that the tall dark girl was in the familyway. The phrase “in the family way”means____________.
A. troubled B. Pregnant C. twisted D. cheated 3.Doctor Reef lives a ___________ life.
A. happy B. miserable C. easy-going D. reckless 4. The tall dark girl’s marriage to Doctor Reef proves to be a _____ one.
A. transient B. understandable C. perfect D. funny 5. Doctor Reef’s paper balls probably symbolize his ______.
A. eagerness to shut himself away from society
B. suppressed desire to communicate with people
C. optimism about life
D. cynical attitude towards life
3.完型填空 就一篇,有20道选项吧 共20分 难度中等吧 4.翻译 40分 i. 英译汉 20分 O mighty poet! Thy works are not as those of other men, simply andmerely great works of art; but are also like the phenomena of nature, like thesun and the sea, the stars and the flowers; like frost and snow, rain and dew,hail-storm and thunder, which are to be studied with entire submission of ourown faculties, and in the perfect faith that in them there can be no too muchor too little, nothing useless or inert- but that, the farther we press in ourdiscoveries, the more we shall see proofs of design and self-supportingarrangement where the careless eye had seen nothing but accident! ii. 汉译英 20分 那篇文章什么题目我忘了,但是却清晰地记得它的内容讲的是怎样面的人生的困难。“记得一二,忘记八九”人生如意的事只有一二,不如意的事却有八九,所以应当常常想想一二,不思八九。我读了那篇文章之后,对人生的意义和道理突然明白了许多。原来,人生就是充满了困难。所以应当“记得一二,不思八九” (文章大意是这样。貌似是东南大学2011MTI的真题) 5. 作文 20分 题目:How to Improve student’s mental health 不少于300字
翻译与写作: 一、 汉译英 i. 翻译句子 15分 1. 他讲友谊,有抱负。 4分 2. 她依然很美,如果不是芳华正茂,也不到迟暮之年。 5分 3. 这个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了中国19世纪后50年,使中国不能进步。她算是功劳第一人。6分 ii. 文段翻译 30分 来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往往会抽出一天甚至两天的时间去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出得较多。 我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。但他十分欣赏亚裔学生勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心理。因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余5位均是亚裔学生。他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:“本室助研必须每周工作7天,早10时至晚12时,工作时间必须全力以赴。”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名的,在我所呆的3年半中,共有14位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下5人。1990年夏天,我不顾别人劝阻,硬着头皮接受了导师的资助,从此开始了艰难的求学旅程。 (搜索过程中发现是八级模拟题)
二、英译汉 i. 翻译句子 15分 1. Stressed out white-collarworkers are scaling skyscrapers, camping out on rooftops, smashing uprestaurants, pretending to be children and even visiting cemeteries in a bid torelieve the pressure of modern life. 2. Behaviorists suggest thatthe child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli whichdevelop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greaterintellectual development. ii. 文段翻译 30分 There are few words which are used more loosely than the word‘civilization’. What does it mean? It means a society based upon the opinion ofcivilians. It means that violence, the rule of warriors and despotic chiefs,the conditions of camps and warfare, of riot and tyranny, give place toparliaments where laws are made, and independent courts of justice in whichover long periods those laws are maintained. That is Civilization ---and in itssoil grow continually freedom, comfort and culture. When Civilization reigns inany country, a wider and less harassed life is afforded to the masses of thepeople, the traditions of the past are cherished, and the inheritancebequeathed to us by former wise or valiant men becomes a rich estate to beenjoyed and used by all.(也发现是八级模拟题。) 二.写作 60分 题目大概就是: Computers are increasinglyused in teaching and learning. Some people believe that computers will replacehuman teachers in classrooms. To what extent do you agree with this opinion? 字数要求:400字。其他要求和八级作文一模一样。
二外法语: 1、 阅读理解 20分,共两篇,每篇5小题。第一题关于石油污染大海,难度中下。第二题关于金融危机,难度中等或中上。 2、 完型填空 20分 就一篇,好像是10个空吧。关于学校教育和家庭教育之类的,难度中等 (下面的题目具体分值忘记了,大概是每题15分左右。) 3、 单项选择题关于语法,时态,搭配之类的 。难度中等或中下。 4、 也是单项选择题,考察内容和上一题差不多。难度中等或中下。 5、 翻译法译汉:关于欧元的诞生。难度中等或中上。涉及一些经济金融类术语。 6、 作文:Mon rêve (上年题目:j'ai un reve)。需要按照3个方面去写:你的梦想是什么,为什么有这个梦想,需要怎样做去实现这个梦想。(字数要求100字)
补充内容 (2012-2-8 14:11):
法语完型填空题目见4楼。 |