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2009.12.01 男人只有一滴眼泪









毕竟相思,不似相逢好。 ... ...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

91507 元
发表于 2009-12-2 02:22 | |阅读模式

A girl is curious to see her boyfriend shed tears; for the strong man has never wept in front of her. Day after day, year after year, their happiness makes the girl wonder even more about man’s tears. When will he cry, even for just once?
“Don’t be foolish. Do not wish to see my tears. If you do see that day come, it’ll be a tragic day.” He understands how narrow-minded she is, yet he still cannot help laughing at her being so naïve.


The girl’s curiosity was not satisfied. She still wants to find out what man’s tears would look like, are they bitter or salty? Then heaven gave her the opportunity. An angel paid her a visit.

“Are you sure you really want to see his tear?” the angel asks her.
“能有办法吗 ?”
“Can you help me?”
“Of course, but you will have to disappear for a few days.”
“Where should I go?”
“You will turn into water in the air, but you can accompany him all the time and see him. Are you willing to do so?”

The girl changes to water in the air in an instant, and all is so fresh to her. First, let me take a look at what he’s doing. She stops at the man’s window. She sees him working diligently, making calculations, drawing diagrams, as busy as bee.

Suddenly he goes to the telephone. She remembers that he’ll call her at 10 every night. What if the call does not go through? She’s even more curious now, her eyes wide open. He does dial several times with no answer. Why go to bed so early? I’ll let her have a good night’s sleep. He wears a soft smile. She’s a little disappointed, why isn’t he worried?

The next day, the man goes to work and goes home as usual. After a busy day at work, he calls the girl immediately upon arriving home, still no answer. He starts to call one number after another. He phones all his friends and relatives, but no one knows where the girl is. He seems to be worried, wandering back and forth in the room. The girl stays next to the window, looking at him somewhat contently.

The man puts on his jacket and leaves the room. She follows him closely.

He first comes to the girl’s house. The gate was tightly shut. Her neighbors tell him they have not seen her since the night before. At her parents’ house, the old couple thinks she was with him. Looking at their gray hair, he does not dare tell them her disappearance. She feels a little remorse seeing the anxiety in his eyes.

He does not sleep for a whole night. He searches all the possible places they have visited, and he can sense her presence in all those places, but just cannot find her. He shows exhaustion after a night’s searching. His once smooth chin he’s proud of now has stubs. He’s tired, falling into the couch. She cannot help but want to feel his stubs, and cover him with a blanket, but she’s water in the air! She tells the angel, “I do not want to see his tear any more, change me back to human form! But the angel does not come back to her house.

On the third day, the man still has to go to work, but there is no color in his eyes. He suddenly turns around while walking to look for something. She thinks he has found her, but she’s only water in the air! She laughs at her own naivete. He does not directly go home after work. He goes to where they used to date, where there is an old phoenix tree. He sits on the chair under the tree, so lonely. He seems to be thinking about something, or waiting for something. “You will show up, will you?”

On the fourth day, he comes here again, and bringing with him a small piece of glass with a small sailboat in it. He sits there sullenly, staring into the glass. She now remembers they have talked about going to travel to sea together.

On the fifth day, the man does not show up. She finds him on his bed. Is he asleep? He looks pale. She’s so sad that she wants to die. “Angel, come back!”

On the sixth day, the man throws the glass into the sea. His heart sinks to the bottom of the sea with it. She feels sorry, “Angel, please change me back to human form!”

On the seventh day, the angel finally comes back to her side. “It’s too late, he’s about to leave this world. You can go and kiss him goodbye!”

Tears roll down her cheeks. Her week long disappearance make him so pale. What would happen to him if I am really gone? She kisses his lips and finds a teardrop on his lip. That is her! It turned out that his tear is her.

She shouts, “No, I do not want to leave….”
Luckily, it’s just a dream. She’s happy to tell herself that she will never want to see a man’s tear, because that means the disappearance of herself…

This story is dedicated to all those couples in love. I wish them all to treasure each other, and I do hope that girls do not do stupid things out of their curiosity, something they’ll find too late to feel sorry for.


参与人数 1威望 +30 收起 理由
Dough + 30


                            pain past is pleasure







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